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Whitening Cream

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Alpha Arbutin

First main ingredient efective in the cream concentration of  2.5ml in 50g of cream made.

Natural Alpha Arbutin is a great substance to hydroquinone as a natural alternative for skin litening. Arbutin is a 'non-phenol' which means, unlike some chemical it does not case damage to the skin through bleaching or chemical burn.

Alpha Arbutin supresses unwanted pigmentation rather than killing pigment producing cells, is currently being sold as an effective alternative that is much safer to use than the harsg chemicals used in other over the counter skin creams.

Kojic Acid

Second main whitening ingredient concentration of 1.25 ml in 50g cream.

Kojic Acid Benefits

Antioxidant and Antibacterial –these two benefits are less known in Kojic acid. This substance is very effective in treating melasma, which is a skin condition appearing as patchy brown areas affecting females. This can lighten acne scars as well. Apart from a skin care ingredient, Kojic acid is also a popular preservative and enhancer of food flavor. Since it is an antioxidant, Kojicacid is also used for preventing brown color in fruits.

Hydroquinone Substitute – one famous whitening ingredient is hydroquinone but there are many people sensitive to this chemical substance. There were many reports regarding the allergic effects of hydroquinone on the skin. As this became one of the chemicals that produced allergic reactions, hydroquinone was banned in Europe. Kojic acid became a potential substitute since it is all-natural and effective in reducing pigmentations.

Skin Whitening –nowadays, Kojic acid is used as a popular ingredient in skin care formulations for melasma and freckles.


Kojic acid has many benefits when used but be mindful that once you use Kojic acid, stay away from the sun since it can make the skin more sensitive. If you need to get out and be exposed to the sun, make sure that you use a sunscreen to prevent any allergic reactions.

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Alpha Arbutin

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Kojic Acid

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